
INDRUM is the acronym for International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics. It designates a community of researchers that emerged from the University Mathematics Education (UME) thematic working group in CERME (the Congress of ERME, the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education). The network was formally founded at CERME9 in 2015, its members form the INDRUM Network Scientific Committee (INSC) and its biennial conference is a designated ERME Topic Conference. Its activities sit alongside a growing number of UME initiatives around the world including within ICME (International Congress on Mathematics Education), EMF (Espace Mathématique Francophone), RUME (Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, a SIGMAA, Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America) and the DELTA biennial Southern hemisphere symposia on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics.

INDRUM aims to contribute to the development of research in didactics of mathematics at all levels of tertiary education, with a particular focus on building research capacity in the field, on the development of early-career researchers, and on dialogue with the mathematics community.

INDRUM conferences are biennial and multilingual (English, language(s) of the hosting country). They address all aspects of research in didactics of mathematics at tertiary level, including students' and teachers' practices, teaching and learning of specific mathematical topics, use of resources (digital and other), curriculum, assessment, affect, sociocultural and epistemological issues. Targeted participants include researchers in didactics of mathematics, mathematicians and any teacher or researcher with an interest in this area. Paper and poster proposals undergo a rigorous peer-review process by members of the INDRUM Network Scientific Committee (INSC) and a researcher with experience in the topic of the proposal. Proceedings are published online after the conclusion of the conference and a final round of revisions.

The first INDRUM conference was held in Montpellier, France (2016). The 2018, 2020 (online), 2022 and 2024 conferences were held respectively in: Kristiansand (Norway), Bizerte (Tunisia), Hannover (Germany) and Barcelona (Spain). Peer-reviewed conference proceedings are available here.


Below are the composition of the international programme committee (IPC) and the local organising committee (LOC) for INDRUM2026, as well as key dates:

INDRUM 2026 International Programme Committee

Chris Rasmussen (San Diego, USA) Chair

Imène Ghedamsi (Tunis, Tunisia) Co-chair

Matija Bašić (Zagreb, Croatia), Ignasi Florensa (Barcelona, Spain), Alejandro González-Martín (Montreal, Canada), Ghislaine Gueudet (Paris, France), Thomas Hausberger (Montpellier, France), Max Hoffman (Paderborn, Germany), Angeliki Mali (Crete, Greece), Kristina Markulin (Barcelona, Spain), Elena Nardi (Norwich, UK), Megan Wawro (Blacksburg, USA), Carl Winsløw (Copenhagen, Denmark) 

INDRUM 2026 Local Organising Committee

Matija Bašić (Zagreb, Croatia) Chair

Željka Milin Šipuš (Zagreb), Aleksandra Čižmešija (Zagreb), Ana Katalenić (Osijek), Jelena Pleština (Split), Marijana Pečarević (Dubrovnik)


Important dates

April 2025: First announcement 

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